Tuesday, July 22, 2008

On the road

I love to travel — for almost any reason and to almost anywhere. I’ve been itching for an adventure so I’m heading out on a road trip this week. After a couple of days at the cottage, I leave for an almost unplanned trip through Vermont and New Hampshire, with potential stops in Maine and/or Boston. The purpose of my trip is to revisit one of my favorite parts of the country and to do some research.

A project I am currently working on is for the Outdoor Industries Women’s Coalition, a non-profit networking and professional development organization for women who working in the outdoor industries. I am the editor and one of many contributors to a guide to working in the outdoor industries, called: The OIWC Guide to Turning Your Passion into Your Profession.

One component is the project is to interview women in the outdoor industries about what they do and how they got there. So far, I have spoken with many interesting women on the phone. During my road trip, I will have the opportunity to meet some of these women face to face.

Since I have a keen interest in the outdoors, I have found the project to be an interesting experience and a great opportunity to learn more about the industries and how they work. I look forward to some interesting conversations in the next week or so.

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